
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Temse


Temse is a municipality on the left side of the River Scheldt in East Flanders, Belgium.The municipality comprises the towns of Elversele, Steendorp, Temse and Tielrode. On January 1, 2012, Temse had a population of 28,809. The total area is 39.92 km² which gives a population density of 722 inhabitants per km².HistoryThe name Temse is derived from the Gallo-Roman/Gaul Tamisiacum or Tamasiacum. This is also reflected in the French name for the town, Tamise. Main sight is the church, the needle of the tower is built by the famous sculptor Adriaan Nijs, who died in Temse. Inside the church the relics of Amalberga of Temse are venerated. Between 1829 and 1994, Temse was home to the Boelwerf shipyard which for much of the twentieth century dominated the local economy and employment market.Main sights Temse Bridge, road bridge in Belgium, originally designed by Gustave Eiffel.Church of Our Lady, 17th century interior.

Adres: Temse
Stad: Temse

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