
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Talbot House - Every man's club

Talbot House - Every man's club




During the Great War, the army chaplains Neville Talbot and Philip “Tubby” Clayton opened a club in a house they rented in Poperinge. For more than three years, the house provided rest and recreation to all soldiers that came in. Rank and status were left at the front door, which allowed the tired men to forget about the war for a little while. Unlike many of the other dubious clubs and cafés in Poperinge at that time (the town was often called ‘Little Paris’ for a reason), Talbot House became a beacon of rest and tranquility.

Today the House is a welcoming and friendly stop in Flanders Fields. Explore the house and learn about its stories, watch an authentic performance from World War One in the Concert Hall, enjoy the atmosphere in the well maintained garden and explore the exhibition on life behind the lines. You can even spend the night at the museum in one of our guest rooms.

Adres: Gasthuisstraat 43, 8970 Poperinge
Telefoonnummer: 057 333 228
Stad: Poperinge
Route: Gasthuisstraat 43
Postcode: 8970

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