Independent bar founded by Funky Bompa and DJ ReeDoo, in the heart of Brussels. A place for music, quality drinks/service & the good life. Have Fun(k)!
The SOUL INN is an independent bar founded by Funky Bompa and DJ ReeDoo, in the heart of Brussels. A place for music, quality drinks/service & the good life, right next to the famous Ancienne Belgique. A headquarter in the center of town, a place where the day begins (after work, that is) and where the night ends.
As the name SOUL INN says, the musical direction is soulful in its wide sense : Rhythm & Blues, Soul, Funk, Hip Hop, Tropical grooves, Disco and even some Electronic music from time to time.The keywords are warm and funky.
A typical week looks like this : live gig on Thursday, DJs on Friday and Saturday and more things to come from Sunday to Wednesday.
The bar opens 7 days a week at 4pm (expect on Thursdays 6pm, after the soundcheck). Closing times are minimum 1am on weekdays and minimum 4am on week-ends.
Free entrance all week long.
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