We help Solvay students prepare for the labor market by pairing them with an alumnus during one academic year.
From management consulting to non-profit, we have a mentor ready to help you prepare for the labour market.
Since its founding in 2015, the Solvay Mentoring Program has successfully created over 50 mentee-mentor relationships and built a network of over 40 companies in 12 industries. Our alumni are indeed coming from management consulting, financial services, entrepreneurship, marketing, non-profit, and many others.
Through our program, we hope that students will have the opportunity to get a better sense of what the job market has to offer. Our activities are therefore complementary to the development opportunities already offered by the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management.
To carry out our activities, we have also been fortunate to be supported by the Solvay Student Office (BESolvay), the Career Services and the Solvay Consulting Club.
For more information do not hesitate to send us a message or email us at info@solvaymentoringprogram.com.
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