
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Solvay Business Game

Solvay Business Game


Experience real-life business during the leading on-stage case competition in Europe


6 years.

That's the time it took the Solvay Business Game to grow from a promising 60-students event to now being the leading business game in Europe and the most prestigious recruitment event in Belgium.

Since 2007, the association led by students from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management has been organizing its business competition on an annual basis. It gathers nowadays 400 participants selected among students from across the world, for a 2-days event and 6 business challenges.

This event is a unique occasion for students with backgrounds in business, economics, law, and engineering to put their skills to the test as they tackle real-life business cases, while simultaneously allowing businesses to get in touch with the talents of tomorrow.

The 2017 edition of the Solvay Business Game will celebrate its tenth anniversary.

Adres: Sheraton Brussels Airport, 1930 Zaventem
Stad: Zaventem
Route: Sheraton Brussels Airport
Postcode: 1930

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