
Recensies, contactgegevens voor SimplyEnglish



SimplyEnglish specialises in language courses. It offers a wide range of business and general language courses.


SimplyEnglish offers a wide range of courses both for companies and for the general public.

We organise group lessons, one to ones, conversation classes for adults teenagers and children.

Typical work activities

Our teachers use a range of course books and authentic materials and also a variety of audiovisual aids. There is a strong emphasis on dialogue and role-playing, but more formal exercises, language games and literature are also used.
The content of lessons varies depending on the reason why the students are learning English, e.g. whether it is for business use for adults, school work for children, etc. The aim of each lesson is to encourage the students to communicate with each other using the structures and vocabulary they have learnt, and to improve the four basic language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing.

Adres: 248 avenue Reine Astrid, 7180 Seneffe
Telefoonnummer: +32 497 252 971
Stad: Seneffe
Route: 248 avenue Reine Astrid
Postcode: 7180

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