
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Sewing & Tailoring Classes Brussels with Ester Goris

Sewing & Tailoring Classes Brussels with Ester Goris


Sewing and Tailoring classes for beginners and beyond


The training starts from the ‘haute couture’ finishing techniques. Depending on your experience or interest you choose a project model: a skirt, a blouse, a dress, trousers, a jacket, a coat, an evening dress, a wedding gown… We discuss and decide on a pattern, material choice, cutting guidelines and work sequence. Different sewing techniques are taught ‚on the job‘, which builds your skills and experience. Beginners and advanced students work side by side, each at its own pace.

Beginners receive four intensive initiation lessons. You get an overview of required materials and you learn how to use your sewing machine through repeated practice. You also learn to take body measurements and how to use patterns.

Starter classes take place during the first 4 lessons on Saturday.

Your teacher is Ester Goris, an independent patternmaker and tailor. Ester has had remarkable experience, having worked in Paris for Olivier Theyskens in Nina Ricci’s fashion house. In her own workshop, Studio Staartster, she is involved in various projects for individuals and artists.

Thursday 19:00 – 22:00 or Saturday 10:30 – 13:30
Start: beginning of October - 30 lessons

Flexible: 10-session card (240 €) - you pay 8€/hr, VAT incl.
Fix: 10 classes per trimester (180 €) - you pay 6€/hr, VAT incl.

Sign in by e-mail: ester.goris@gmail.com
or phone: + 32-(0) 475-94.45.01
You are registered after confirmation and payment.

End of June we organise an Open Studio. The garments of that year are shown to the public.

Adres: Grensstraat 21, 1210 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32 475 94 45 01
Stad: Brussels
Route: Grensstraat 21
Postcode: 1210

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