
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Serco Europe

Serco Europe


You are invited to join the Serco Europe Career Centre where you can search and apply for jobs across Europe


Careers Opportunities working with Serco in Europe.

Serco employs over 100,000 people in more than 30 countries, delivering local services informed by many years of international experience and expertise.

We improve services by managing people, processes, technology and assets more effectively. Combining commercial know-how with a deep public service ethos, we advise policy makers, design innovative solutions, integrate systems and deliver front-line services that make a positive difference to customers and communities.

We work across a variety of sectors, including , Business process outsourcing, Information Technology, Call/Contact Centre and Immigration.

We have over 1500 people working within our IT business across Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, France.

With support offices in most locations we are able to both employ staff locally and support those relocating from abroad.

Serco recruits from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds, hiring staff at all stages of their careers. Serco recognises that a good business needs a range of highly skilled and fully trained expertise within its
workforce, as well as young skilled personnel, and college or university graduates.

This page will be updated daily with all employment opportunities available at Serco in Europe.

You can click on the Job Search and apply directly, or if you prefer please visit www.serco.eu and search our careers page.

Please attached a CV, outlining your qualifications, work history and achievements.

If you wish you may like to also include a cover letter and demonstrate why you believe your skills, experience and qualifications make you a good match for the role.

You can also contact members of the recruitment team directly

Tony.wilson@serco.com - Germany
Palma Rauso@serco.com - Luxembourg / Italy
Marika.Majewska@serco.com - Belgium
Antonioariaslopez@serco.com - Space Careers
Alina.Cantoriu@serco.com - Netherlands

Adres: Avenue de Cortenbergh 60, 6B-1160 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: 004961518127826
Stad: Brussels
Route: Avenue de Cortenbergh 60
Postcode: 6B-1160

op zoek naar gerelateerd: serco nederland, serco vacancies, logo serco, serco construct, serco belgium jobs
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