
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Screen.brussels cluster

Screen.brussels cluster


screen.brussels is a Brussels based Cluster whose focus is on audiovisual and related technologies. The cluster is a public service that is free of charge.


Welcome to the screen.brussels facebook page!

The cluster screen.brussels is a public service that is free of charge and that has the mission to support companies in the audiovisual sector.

The screen.brussels initiative comes directly from the Minister of Economy of the RBC and his aim is to support companies involved in the audiovisual sector. In a glimpse, the goal of the cluster is to position Brussels as an international center of excellence in the audiovisual industry. More precisely, its purpose is to enhance the visibility of Brussels as an unique destination for audiovisual projects; to provide support, to accelerate the growth and to increase the competitiveness of its members.

The cluster services revolve around networking events, technology monitoring, one to one meeting with experts, workshops, internationalization activities and more.

For more information please send an email to info@screenbrussels.be

Telefoonnummer: +32 (02) 422 00 20
Stad: Brussels

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Filmcel brussel
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