
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Scandinavian School of Brussels

Scandinavian School of Brussels


SSB is a distinguished day and boarding school founded in 1973 offering schooling to Nordic and International students from preschool to high school.


About Scandinavian School of Brussels
Preschool - Compulsory - Upper Secondary - IB - Boarding

At SSB we are approximately 300 students ranging in age from 2 to 19 from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. We have 50 teachers from 13 different countries offering lessons in the Nordic languages, English and French. Students can also study Spanish. Upper Secondary students can follow the International Baccalaureate programme.

We offer great after-school activities; music, sports, languages, math & problem solving and homework help. Students who are studying at a school other than SSB are very welcome to study additional home language courses here or rent our facilities.

Adres: Square d'Argenteuil 5, 1410 Waterloo (België)
Telefoonnummer: +32 2 357 0670
Stad: Waterloo
Route: Square d'Argenteuil 5
Postcode: 1410


Maandag: 08:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 08:00 - 17:00

op zoek naar gerelateerd: European School Brussels, European School Brussels II, English-speaking schools in Brussels, International school of Brussels, Bilingual schools Brussels, English/French school Brussels
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Vertaald door Google Absoluut geweldige leraren en geweldig onderwijs gebaseerd op Scandinavische en Europese democratische waarden. Origineel Absolutely wonderful teachers and great education based upon Nordic and European democratic values.
Vertaald door Google Ik heb van 2010-2014 op deze school gezeten kleuterschool 2010-2011, basisschool 1e en 2e leerjaar 2011-2014 totdat ik samen met mijn gezin verhuisde. De school was geweldig en de leraren en al het personeel waren erg aardig. Het is erg jammer dat het moet worden stopgezet. Ik herinner me hoe ik in 2014 kittens vond achter de rare drakenkop op een paalding hier. Er was ook een café in de kelder van een van de gebouwen hier. Ik kwam ook terug en bezocht de school in 2017. Origineel I went to this school from 2010-2014 2010-2011 preschool, 2011-2014 primary school 1st and 2nd grade until I moved together with my family. The school was great and the teachers and all the staff were very nice. It's very unfortunate that it had to be shut down. I remember how in 2014 I found kittens behind the weird dragon head on a pole thing here. There was also a cafe that was in the basement of one of the buildings here. I also came back and visited the school in 2017.
Vertaald door Google De leraren zijn erg goed en er heerst over het algemeen een goede sfeer, maar het eten kan beter Origineel The teachers are really good and there is an overall nice mood, but the food could be better
Vertaald door Google Denk niet dat de school meer bestaat idk Origineel Dont think the school exists anymore idk
Vertaald door Google Ik hou van deze school Origineel I love this school
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