
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Saper Vedere

Saper Vedere


A unique EU public affairs & communications consultancy, offering the world's most advanced social media tools w/ years of EU bubble, media & PA expertise.


Saper Vedere (Latin "Knowing how to see" - Da Vinci) is not your typical Brussels consultancy. We's also not a typical data analysis company. We're so much more!

With a team of top experts from public affairs, politics, media & academia we offer a unique, tailored approach to your needs - whether you're an NGO, private company or institution.

First and foremost, we design and run highly innovative, comprehensive public affairs campaigns. We'll help your organisation achieve its most ambitious goals in no time! We offer a combination of the world's most advanced social media analysis tools and years of expertise in the EU bubble, media & public affairs.

Secondly, we provide unique insights on who your online audience is, we show how you, your products & issues are perceived on social media, and if needed - change that perception. We first monitor and audit your online presence, and then influence your audience, spreading the right message to the right people - be it inviting the right people for your event, getting support for your product/position or relaying your work.

Thirdly, we're experts in Social Licence & crisis consulting. We help your organisation understand its social status, advise on risk avoidance and crisis resolution. We'll make sure you avoid a costly PR nightmare and get you out of any mess you're already in!

Contact us at [email protected] to learn how we can help you!

"Saper Vedere est un cabinet d’études et de conseil dédié aux affaires publiques et à la communication. A Bruxelles et Paris, les équipes de Saper Vedere accompagnent les organisations et les parties prenantes dans la compréhension de leurs audiences et écosystèmes, le décryptage des mouvements d’opinion et le développement de stratégies d’affaires publiques et communication, avec en fil conducteur l’acceptabilité sociétale des activités et des initiatives."
Adres: Rue de Trèves 57, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Rue de Trèves 57
Postcode: 1000

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