Samastitihi is a yoga school NGO project based in Brussels, Belgium. It is a committed to promoting Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and philosophy for peace.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga lessons with Gemma
Yoga practice
For detailed information about subscription and participation conditions:
+32 4 71 64 3 0 33
In order to attend classes, you need to be a member of Samastitihi asbl.
Member cards cost 10 euros a year and can be obtained either before or after class, or by calling us or sending us an e-mail.
This fee goes towards administration and insurance costs.
6h30-8 am
Mysore Style
6 - 7 pm
Introduction to primary series
Wednesday 5h30 - 7 pm
Full primary series Mysore Style
Friday 8h15 - 21h 30 pm
Primary series Led class
Saturday 9h15-11h15
Primary series Workshop for Backbending and Inverted postures
Sunday 6h30 - 8 pm
Primary series Led class
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