
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Safir Consulting

Safir Consulting


Safir Consulting is a recruitment and selection agency accredited : VG.1509/B & 00301-405-20121130
IT - engineering - Sales - Finance experts


Our approach is qualitative and result-oriented.
We have the tools and skills to search and screen thoroughly and efficiently.

Safir consulting supports businesses and organisations in their hunt for special temporary expertise and know-how for specific projects or permanent top talent for strategic functions.

We are committed to successful results, open communication and genuine involvement. Placing the right candidates in the right jobs is what it’s all about for us. We offer you the following guarantees:

Your assets as an employer will be clearly highlighted

We will leave no stone unturned to find the right candidate in our own data bases or via the job sites or social networks where many meet many, and where the chaff needs to be separated from the wheat;

We provide fast, to the point reporting on a regular basis

Adres: 1731 Zellik
Telefoonnummer: +32 2 481 00 55
Stad: Zellik
Postcode: 1731

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