
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Sabena Flight Academy


CAE Oxford Aviation Academy Brussels - Sabena Flight Acacemy is an aviation training organisation created in 1953, and located in Steenokkerzeel (Belgium). The school is now part of CAE Global Academy. The training is performed in Brussels, in Mesa at CAE Oxford Aviation Academy Phoenix (formerly Sabena Airline Training Center). Sabena Flight Academy is one of the oldest and considered as one of the most considered airline transport pilot school in Europe.The "Airline Transport Pilot Integrated" ("ATP Integrated") course is a full-time, integrated Joint Aviation Authorities/European Aviation Safety Agency (JAA/EASA) course leading to the award of a 'frozen' (becoming unfrozen when the candidate has completed 1500 hours in a multi-pilot environment) Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL).HistoryThe Belgian national aviation schoolThe origins of the creation of a school providing training for future airline pilots were in 1953, when the Belgian government, which owned the aircraft, contracted the operation thereof to Sabena under the name École d’aviation civile (EAC). The theoretical and flight training parts were conducted at the airfield of Grimbergen in a building which no longer exists. Basic training was done using de Havilland DH.82 Tiger Moths, replaced in 1968 by Siai Marchetti SF260s, while advanced training was entrusted to the Saab Safir 91B, replaced in 1958 by the Cessna 310B and in 1981 by the Embraer Xingu.

Adres: 1820 Steenokkerzeel
Stad: Steenokkerzeel
Postcode: 1820

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Logo Sabena, Sabena history, Sabena fleet history, Boeing 707 Sabena, Sabena DC-10, DC 3 Sabena
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