
Recensies, contactgegevens voor 's-Gravenbrakel


Braine-le-Comte is a Walloon municipality located in the Belgian province of Hainaut. On January 1, 2006, Braine-le-Comte had a total population of 20,305. The total area is 84.68sqkm which gives a population density of 240 inhabitants per km².The municipality consists of the following sub-municipalities: Hennuyères, Henripont, Petit-Rœulx-lez-Braine, Ronquières, and Steenkerque .The Ronquières inclined plane at the Canal du Centre is in the municipality of Braine-Le Comte.HistoryOn August 3, 1692, during the Nine Years War, the French army defeated a joint English-Dutch-German army in the Battle of Steenkerque in the current municipality of Braine-le-Comte.Postal historyThe Braine-Le-Compte post-office opened before 1830. It used a postal code 22 with bars (before 1864) and 53 with points before 1874. The Hennuyeres post-office opened on 6 November 1865. It used a postal code 161 with points before 1874. The Ronquieres post-office opened on 10 January 1895.Postal codes in 1969: - 7198 Ronquières - 7199 Henripont - 7490 Braine-le-Comte - 7491 Steenkerque - 7492 Petit-Rœulx-lez-Braine - 7498 HennuyèresNotable people Eden Hazard, Belgian international footballer. Father Damien, a Roman Catholic Saint that attended the College of Braine-le-Comte in 1858

Adres: 's-Gravenbrakel
Stad: Braine-le-Comte

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