
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Rue d'Aerschot


The Rue d'Aerschot or Aarschotstraat is a street in Brussels, Belgium, known as a hotspot of the city's underground nightlife and famous for its brothels.It is located next to North Station, one of the three main train stations in Brussels.Although widely tolerated by police and local authorities, this neighborhood has at times been a target of joint government/police efforts to track down human trafficking operatives, mostly aimed at breaking up criminal networks that lure young women from central and eastern European countries with the promise of a better life in the West.Non-profit associations also operate in the area, mainly women's groups providing support and counseling to prostitutes.The street is also known for inexpensive lodging.It is not far from the city centre of Brussels, and adjacent to the financial and business district, where the Brussels World Trade Center is located.

Adres: Rue d'Aerschot nr 1, 1030 Sint-Joost-Ten-Node, Brabant, Belgium
Stad: Sint-Joost-ten-Node
Route: Rue d'Aerschot nr 1
Postcode: 1030

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