
Recensies, contactgegevens voor RP Systems

RP Systems


Manufacturer of labour-friendly road construction equipment.


RP Systems is a young, dynamic and very flexible company. Founded in 2012 as Road Paving Systems, such as full name reads, since it found, that there is a strong international demand for paving solutions and in particular knowledge and expertise in the field of paving with element pavements. This, because there is a growing interest in paving with element pavements.
The advantage is, that it can be easily repaired, and gas and water permeable. The gas permeability is important if there is a gas line underneath, when there is a leakage no gas will accumulate beneath the surface. The water permeability is nowadays becoming increasingly important in connection with dehydration.

Through a combination of innovative products and professional people, RP Systems is capable of providing you with a broad product range, that enable the work of the paver to be alleviated, production enhancing, the quality of work in a broad sense to be improved and to advise you or even to act as a subcontracter.

Together with our partners we strive to provide you total solutions for paving with elements paving.

Adres: Bredabaan 52-3, 2990 Wuustwezel
Telefoonnummer: +316 41 52 85 15
Stad: Wuustwezel
Route: Bredabaan 52-3
Postcode: 2990

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