
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Retrorama the vintage festival

Retrorama the vintage festival


Retrorama Festival, the largest vintage festival in Europe. A complete vintage experience !


Step back in time and embark on a voyage to the «glorious 30», «swinging sixties» and «sexy disco seventies» for a whole weekend entirely dedicated to vintage: Retrorama, a true overview of half a century of design, look, fashion, music, art, advertising trends...
This gigantic market has something in store for everyone: clothing & accessories, jewellery, furniture & ornaments, young timers (2, 3 or 4 wheeled), watches, lighters, vinyl albums, toys... And of course, there are many interactive animations, dancing lessons, retro eatery and much more to unearth at the BRUSSELS EXPO Palais 10, from 30 May to 1 June

Telefoonnummer: 0032 485 31 02 56
Stad: Brussels

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