Bistro Pro Deo - Soul kitchen -
Pro Deo (which means a lawyer who works for the poor, for free) is a bistro located in the hip Langestraat, a stone's throw away from the Court House and around the corner from the windmills. The house was built in 1562 and restored in 1713. Because of its location next to the Crossgate, built in the 13th century and one of the nine city gates of Bruges, it has always been a place where people of all kinds and places met. Now it's still a place where locals and tourists mix, and where everybody is welcome.
We opened the Bistro in 2007 and have tried to keep the atmosphere of an old Bruges house. We didn't have a lot of money to decorate, so the decorations are our own personal things ... which makes us feel at home. We hope our quirky style, traditional food and love of Jazz & Soul tunes helps you to feel at home also.
Kristof, the chef, likes to cook traditional food in a traditional way … read 'big portions'. 1960s soul tunes keep him going when he's busy in the kitchen and in his free time he likes to ride his vintage Lambretta scooter.
His partner Nathalie welcomes you as she would a friend in her own home ... AND in four languages and always with a smile. Also an official licensed Bruges City Guide, she can tell you all about her beloved city. Interested in a guided tour? Email her at:
This is a place for traditional food-lovers, romantic souls and good friends … old and new.
So welcome!
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