
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Red Baroness - Marcia Deville

Red Baroness - Marcia Deville


The Red Baroness, is a solo artist, her playing her own composition and singing her lyrics. This music, presented either as a solo artist, or with musicians.
Her influences are Americana based. Style in the vein of Proto-Punk and Cow-Punk artists.


The Red Baroness, is a solo artist, her playing her own composition and singing her lyrics. This music, presented either as a solo artist, or with musicians.
Her influences are Americana based. Style in the vein of Proto-Punk and Cow-Punk artists.

Adres: Heidestraat ,29, 1785 Merchtem
Telefoonnummer: 00-32-(0)487-64-27-88
Stad: Merchtem
Route: Heidestraat ,29
Postcode: 1785

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