
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Rare Sound Studio

Rare Sound Studio




Rare Sound Studio is a mixing and mastering studio owned and operated by Remy Lebbos.

It's an Analog-Digital Hybrid Studio, the best of both worlds.


Burl B32 VANCOUVER Analog Summing
Burl B26 ORCA Control Room Monitor
API 2500 Bus Compressor
API 5500 Dual Equalizer (0.5db stepped)
Dangerous BAX EQ
Kush Audio Clariphonic Parallel Equalizer
Universal Audio Teletronix LA-2A
Empirical Labs Mike-E Preamp/Compressor
Bricasti M7 Stereo Reverb
SSL 4000 Bus Compressor
Lexicon MPX 110
2x Avid HD I/O analog 16/16
1x Universal Audio Satellite Octo Thunderbolt and 2x Universal Audio Satellite Quad Firewire
1x Apollo 8p


Protools HD 12, Avid HEAT, Cubase 7, DSP Quattro, Maschine Komplete Ultimate, Logic X
iMac 27 inch 3,4 Ghz Intel Core i7 32 Gb Ram Ssd Hard drive 800 Gb
External Hard drives: Lacie Usb3 1 To, Iomega Usb2 2 To, Lacie Porsche Usb3 2 To. Time machine backup.


UAD plugins, Soundtoys, Slate Digital, Audio Ease, Kush Audio, Flux, Native Instruments, Toneboosters, Fab Filter, Gforce Mtron, StereoMonoizer, Brainworx, Nebula and many more.


Tech 21 Sansamp
Guitar Pedals
Fender Twin Reverb
Real EMT 140 Plate available


Tascam 133
Fostex R8


Adam S3X-H with Grimm Audio Cables
Yamaha NS-10 with Crown Amplifier
Auratone 5C Vintage


Audeze LCD-X
Sennheiser HD600

Room and furniture

Soundproofing by DbMute
Acoustic treatment by http://www.Idealacoustics.be
Sterling Modular Plan D desk version 2 - acoustically transparent
Wifi, terrace and daylight in the studio

Adres: 22 rue picard, 1080 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +32 476 37 97 34
Stad: Brussels
Route: 22 rue picard
Postcode: 1080

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