
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Qualitative and Mixed Methods in International Health Research (QMM)

Qualitative and Mixed Methods in International Health Research (QMM)


Combining theory with methodological skills, this course targets an audience of researchers, professionals and students in international health.


For researchers, professionals and students in international health

A basic understanding of human behaviour and the socio-cultural context is key for effective international health research. Qualitative research provides a means to access unquantifiable facts and gain an in-depth understanding of the socio-cultural setting in which international health takes place.

The course combines three related modules: Qualitative research, mixed methods, and basic theoretical concepts and models of human behaviour and social context; providing a directly applicable and integrated tool for international health research.

You will be able to:

1. Critically assess the quality and validity of qualitative and mixed methods in international health research in peer-reviewed articles, protocols or research reports.

2. Tackle specific research questions and design research strategies (choosing, the appropriate method(s): quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods) related to specific health problems and socio-cultural settings.

3. Relate and apply theoretical concepts and models to specific research questions and infer their implications for methodology.

4. Carry out basic qualitative research independently -including research design, data collection, theory based data analysis and presentation.

How will you learn?
You will get interactive lectures, small group tutorials, practice sessions and apply your skills directly during field work.

Practical information:
International short specialised course
Place: Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium
Duration and dates: 4 weeks. 07 May - 01 June 2012
Credit points: 6 ECTS credit points
Language: English
Registration fee: 1.800 euro. Limited number of scholarships available.
More information and registration: http://www.itg.be/qmm

Course Co-ordinator: Koen Peeters
Course Director: Anne Buvé
Course Secretary: Nathalie Brouwers, [email protected]

Adres: Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerpen
Stad: Antwerp
Route: Nationalestraat 155
Postcode: 2000

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