
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Q Concept

Q Concept


Showroom Trade Mart Fashion Gardens

contact Q Concept on: info @qconcept.be


Q Concept is a shoe agency which was founded in 2001. Because of a systematic growth and good sales, this agency recently expanded and opened a new showroom.
Q Concept has a variety of fashionable brands: Ash, Kanna, Coral Blue, Luxury Rebel, Nylo, Jean Michel Cazabat, Wonders, Lodi, Aura by Lodi and Sixtyseven.
Wonders starts upcoming fall with a marketingcampaign in the magazines Libelle and Feeling.

Adres: Atomiumsquare 1- Box 50 - Niveau E Este 142 & 165, 1020 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Atomiumsquare 1- Box 50 - Niveau E Este 142 & 165
Postcode: 1020

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