The purpose: To provide a physical space where our members can work, rest and play. It is a space where we can share, learn and create together.
Connecting people and communities for success at the PTPI Hub:
A framework for Action:
The purpose of the PTPI Hub is to provide a physical space where our members can work, rest and play. It is a space where we can share, learn and create together, and give to each other directly, without the extra hassle of intermediaries.
The PTPI Hub, designs, manages and facilitates networks and partnerships which cultivate community-driven, multi-stakeholder projects that allow everyone to play a role and contribute to a stronger society in Belgium.
In an age of interdependence, we strive to ensure that our social and business partners find our Hub a respectable space, to anchor and showcase initiatives that highlight the role strong communities do deliver. When communities are strong, inequalities and sources of conflict are reduced, and constraints are removed to solution-finding.
The space is supported by the creative team from transforma bxl (A coworking space: transforma bxl offers an inspiring workspace for startups, entrepreneurs and freelancers: A co-working open area, 10 dedicated offices, a creativity room and 4 meeting rooms. We also have vegetable gardens, beehives and solar panels providing much of our energy – this is a sustainability-minded community.
The PTPI Hub will be supported initially by three community officers:
- John di Stefano +32.475.976075
- Andy Whittle +32.496.273905
- Chalks Corriette +32.478.482023
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