
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Prowood-fair



Welcome to Prowood®,
the international meeting point
for the wood-working industry
and related sectors
in Belgium.


Prowood arose out of the need for a reputable Belgian trade fair for the woodworking market. Claever has already organised four editions of this still-expanding trade fair. We partner with a sectoral advisory body consisting of the most prominent companies in the sector. Prowood 2012 boasted 202 exhibitors and closed out the fair with a total of 15,581 attendees - an increase of 800 attendees (in the midst of the economic crisis, no less). Thanks to the high quality of these attendees and the calibre of the goods and services on display, the interaction between the two was outstanding.

Adres: Maaltekouter 1, 9051 Gent
Telefoonnummer: 03 296 59 17
Stad: Ghent
Route: Maaltekouter 1
Postcode: 9051

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