Recensies, contactgegevens voor Port de Bruxelles - Haven van Brussel
"The Port of Brussels aims to encourage transport by water as the most environmentally friendly mode of transport create jobs, take action against global warming and improve urban distribution. Crossing from one side of the capital to the other for over 14 kilometres, the canal serves a port area of 116 hectares: an economic hub, centre of nautical entertainment and a sea port.It is Belgium’s second inland port. Its quays stretch for 8.67 km, along the waterway that crosses the Brussels region from north to south. The port cluster is home to 350 companies and provides employment, either directly or indirectly, to almost 8,000 people.As port operator, the port is also responsible for maintaining the canal and its infrastructures."
Adres: Chaussée de Vilvorde 145, 1120 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
10 km
FOREST I 40a, rue du Zodiaque
LINKEBEEK | 89A, chaussée d'Alsemberg
ARLON | 38, rue ...
Administratie Haven Brussel Een parking bevindt zich langs de kade van materialen, Ingang via het plein tussen de Havenlaan en de brug Zondag gesloten.
Het heeft geen zin om de schoonheid van de ene plek van de andere te onderscheiden als alles mooi is.
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