The Pimento Map: Test your business model!
Based on in-depth research on many businesses, this methodology is a fast, easy and accurate way to evaluate the chances of success of your business model.
"Created by the Virtuology Academy team, based on in-depth research on hundreds of businesses, the Pimento Map tool is a fast, easy and accurate way to evaluate the chances of success of your business model.A Freemium version is here to help entrepreneur to develop their startups.And a Premium version is here to help Incubateurs and Responsible of Innovation to pilot their structure."
"Created by the Virtuology Academy team, based on in-depth research on hundreds of businesses, the Pimento Map tool is a fast, easy and accurate way to evaluate the chances of success of your business model.A Freemium version is here to help entrepreneur to develop their startups.And a Premium version is here to help Incubateurs and Responsible of Innovation to pilot their structure."
Adres: Place Sainte-Gudule, 5, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
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