
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Picanol Group

Picanol Group


The Picanol Group is an international group specialized in development, production and sale of weaving machines and other high-tech products, systems and services.


The Picanol Group is an international, customer-oriented group specialized in the development, production and sale of weaving machines, engineered casting solutions and custom-made controllers. The group develops, manufactures and sells through Weaving Machines (Picanol) high-tech weaving machines, based on air (airjet) or rapier technology. It supplies weaving machines to weaving mills worldwide, and also offers its customer such products and services as training, upgrade kits, parts and service contracts. For more than eighty years, Picanol has played a pioneering role in the industry. Today, it is a world player in the weaving machine industry. Picanol also markets accessories via GTP Global Textile Partner. Next to this, the division Industries covers all activities not related to weaving machines like the foundry activities (Proferro) and the group's mechanic finishing activities. It is the ambition to offer the customer engineered casting solutions for middle to large series in a value-driven partnership in the long term. Through PsiControl and Melotte the company applies to the design, the development, the manufacturing and support of technological components, services and mechatronical system solutions for original equipment manufacturers in various industries. Next to the head office in Ypres (Belgium), the Picanol Group has production facilities in Asia and Europe, linked to its own worldwide service and sales network. The Picanol Group realized a consolidated turnover of 639,78 million euros in 2016. The Picanol Group employs 2,100 employees worldwide and has been listed on Euronext Brussels since 1966 (ticker: PIC). Since 2013, the Picanol Group has also had a reference interest in the Tessenderlo Group (Euronext: TESB).

Adres: Steverlyncklaan 15, 8900 Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Telefoonnummer: +32 57 22 21 11
Stad: Ieper
Route: Steverlyncklaan 15
Postcode: 8900


Maandag: 08:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 08:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 08:00 - 17:00

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