
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Phixion Creation

Phixion Creation


It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen.


Creating exclusive decors as well as a unique atmosphere...
that is what we are good at!

Phixion designs and creates settings
for shopping centres, events and festivals
and has developed in the Benelux into the trendsetter and market leader
in rental 3-dimensional settings.

We dispose of over 4500m² of unique, truthful rentable décors.

If your wishes and dreams go still a bit beyond,
we would like to dream with you!
We guide you through the wonder world of imagination
as from design to production,
in order to come to a new creation.

Phixion creates and rents theme settings for shopping centres and events,
but also produces concept décors for special projects,
and for sales or interiors with a unique decoration!

Get to know the Phixion philosophy...
as from décor design to décor construction, our enthusiastic collaborators do their utmost.
That is the very secret of our creations…

Simply …

out of love for décors/settings!

Adres: Ketelaarstraat 9, 2340 Beerse
Telefoonnummer: +32 14 61 81 81
Stad: Beerse
Route: Ketelaarstraat 9
Postcode: 2340

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