
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Peleman Industries

Peleman Industries


Present in over 120 countries, we provide our clients with revolutionary binding systems and a complete range of accessories for their presentations.


Our goal: To be a family company, recognized as the world leader in printed presentations. To encourage professional development of our employees and business partners.

Our main values are integrity, fairness, loyalty, accountability and respect for all human persons and the environment.

"Since 1979, Peleman Industries has been specialising in the design, manufacturing and worldwide distribution of solutions for printed presentations and photos."
Adres: Rijksweg 7, 2870 Puurs
Telefoonnummer: +32 3 889 32 41
Stad: Puurs
Route: Rijksweg 7
Postcode: 2870

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Peleman hout, Peleman Puurs vacatures, Unibind, Peleman Leuven
Fantastische producten en top werkgever!
Top producent in presentatie materiaal
Geweldige service ontvangen van mevrouw Marie Pichel - Beste medewerker bij Peleman Industries, vriendelijk, snel, bekwaam. automaat draait weer. Hartelijk dank Martin Kraft
Verkopers pas op - ze betalen hun leveranciers niet.
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