Parsifal is a Belgian record company, who is specialized in roots music and published the following labels: BLUE STING, DOUBLE TROUBLE, HALU, PARSIFAL,...
In 1968 when Flowerpower and protestsongs were in the air, THEATERBURO MERLIJN was founded by Gilda Behaeghel and Nico A. Mertens. Merlijn started as the home for several local singer songwriters and folkartists. Until this day, the agency has been working with mostly local Belgian artists. Occasionally, a small European tour is organized with international artists. In the past, we have brought over well known artists, such as SMOKIN' JOE KUBEK and STUDEBAKER JOHN for their first European concerts.
PARSIFAL RECORD COMPANY was created in 1974, to make recordings of artists we represented. Our third album - a live recording by the local artist URBANUS- on our own PARSIFAL-label was a huge hit in the Benelux.
In the seventies we released a lot of albums from artists, who were represented by the agency.
In the eighties -in 1984 to be precise- we created our blues and R&B label BLUE STING. At this moment Parsifal still represents very strong BLUES and R&B labels such as BLUE STING, BLUE LOON, DOUBLE TROUBLE, EARWIG a.o. including some very well established artists, keeping a reputation of recording good music. Although blues is our main business, we have diversified into other, more commercial, genres.
In the nineties we started our own POP-ROCK label HALU to release exciting material from Belgian and also American origin.
In addition to our own program of releases, we also have our own distribution system in Belgium and the Netherlands for many imported labels.
Gulden Vlieslaan 67
8000 BRUGGE Belgium
tel 32-50-332433
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