
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Péruwelz


Péruwelz is a Walloon municipality located in the Belgian province of Hainaut. On January 1, 2006, Péruwelz had a total population of 16,843. The total area is 60.56 km² which gives a population density of 278 inhabitants per km².Péruwelz is pronounced or ; in Picard (the Western Hainaut's dialect), the city's name is "Piérwé", and is pronounced or.This municipality is more specifically situated in Western Hainaut, also called Walloon Picardy. Péruwelz is also near France, near the cities of "Condé-sur-l'Escaut", "Vieux Condé", "Hergnies", and is near the forest of Bon-Secours, the location of the castle of (l')Hermitage.Composition of the municipalityThe current municipality of Péruwelz was formed in 1977 when the following ten municipalities were joined: I. Péruwelz II. Bon-Secours III. Roucourt IV. Bury (site of Bitremont Castle, or the Château de Bitremont) V. Braffe VI. Baugnies VII. Wasmes-Audemez-Briffoeil VIII. Brasménil IX. Wiers X. CallenelleThe municipality also includes these villages: (XI.) Briffœil (XII.) Audemez (XIII.) Ringies (XIV.) Ponange

Adres: Péruwelz
Stad: Péruwelz

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