
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Oud-Turnhout


Oud-Turnhout is a municipality located in the Belgian province of Antwerp. The municipality only comprises the town of Oud-Turnhout proper. On January 1, 2006 Oud-Turnhout had a total population of 12,653. The total area is 38.80 km² which gives a population density of 326 inhabitants per km².There are 3 parishes: Zwaneven in the east, St. Bavo in the centre and Oosthoven in the North. Zwaneven is in the upmarket residential area referred to as "De Lint", where many Dutch people live. Most of the Dutch people originally moved to Zwaneven to flee high taxes and strict building regulations in the Netherlands. Houses here are easily priced €750,000 and over.AttractionsIn the northern part of the village "The Liereman" is one of Flanders' largest nature reserves.Famous inhabitants Karel Van Miert, politician, European Commissioner Margriet Hermans, Politician and Singer

Adres: Oud-Turnhout
Stad: Oud-Turnhout

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