
Recensies, contactgegevens voor OceanTeacher Global Academy

OceanTeacher Global Academy


OceanTeacher is a comprehensive web-based training system that supports Classroom training (face-to-face), Blended training (combining classroom and distance learning), online tutoring and online self-learning.

OceanTeacher has been developed as a traini


OceanTeacher is a comprehensive web-based training system that supports Classroom training (face-to-face), Blended training (combining classroom and distance learning), online tutoring and online self-learning.

OceanTeacher has been developed as a training system for ocean data managers (working in ocean data centres), marine information managers (marine librarians) as well as for marine researchers who wish to acquire knowledge on data and/or information management. In addition OceanTeacher is being used for training in other related disciplines.

OceanTeacher has two main components: the OceanTeacher Digital Library (a collection of knowledge and resources) and the OceanTeacher OpenCourseWare - the site you are visiting now - (a collection of course outlines and courseware).

When the Digital Library and OpenCourseWare are used together for a training event this is called an OceanTeacher Classroom. The collection of all training instances constitutes the OceanTeacher Academy.

Creative Commons LicenseAll OceanTeacher content is freely and openly available and access does not require registration. OceanTeacher content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

If you wish to participate in training events you will need to formally apply and, provided you are accepted for a course, you will also need to register online (to create your online account). In order to start preparing for the course (pre-course assignments) you will need to enrol for the course.

Classroom courses are organized either at the IOC Project Office for IODE (Oostende, Belgium) or other training facilities.

Adres: 8400 Oostende
Stad: Ostend
Postcode: 8400

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Oceanexpert
Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Shairwoo GM Shairwoo GM 3 km Non-profit schoolproject Belgium-Gambia
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