
Recensies, contactgegevens voor NIQUI Gallery


NIQUI was started in the summer of 2016 to promote promising artists in Belgium. Over a longer period of time we are committed to one artist. The many contacts we have in Belgium will get to know the artists through a unique way.

"NIQUI was started in the summer of 2016 to promote promising artists in Belgium. Over a longer period of time we are committed to one artist. The many contacts we have in Belgium will get to know the artists through a unique way. Furthermore we sell valuable art collections and extend collections. Through our extensive network we are able to respond quickly to the needs of the collector."
Adres: Georges Spellierlaan 69, 2950 Kapellen
Telefoonnummer: +31615377799
Stad: Kapellen
Route: Georges Spellierlaan 69
Postcode: 2950

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