
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Ninove


Ninove is a city and municipality located in the Flemish province of East Flanders in Belgium. It is situated on the river Dender, and is part of the Denderstreek. The municipality comprises the city of Ninove proper and since the 1976 merger of the towns of Appelterre-Eichem, Aspelare, Denderwindeke, Lieferinge, Meerbeke, Nederhasselt, Neigem, Okegem, Outer, Pollare and Voorde. On January 1, 2012, Ninove had a total population of 37,289. The total area is 72.57 km² which gives a population density of 514 inhabitants per km².HistoryThe oldest version of the name "Ninove", Neonifus dates from the 9th century. Later versions of the city name were Ninive and Nineve. The current version of the city name dates from the 14th century. The origin of the city name is not clear. There are two theories about the origin. One states that name is from Roman origin, the other states that it is of Frankish origin. The meaning of the name, however, is known. Ninove means "nieuw weiland" or in English, "new pasture".

Adres: Ninove
Stad: Ninove

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Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Stad Ninove Stad Ninove 103 meter Uitzonderlijk goede onthaal medewerkers. Maar wie werkt met burgerzaken. Zeer duideli...
The Corner The Corner 464 meter Hey guys, Dirkie hier! Pool, drankje, ontsmettingsgel... Alles om een leuke avond te ...
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