
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Mytox-South



Prof. Sarah de Saeger: [email protected]
Dra. Marthe de Boevre: [email protected]
Dr. Arnau Vidal: [email protected]


MYTOX-SOUTH intends to harness the expertise and infrastructure available at Ghent University to strengthen the capacity of the Southern partners to tackle the mycotoxin problem and the associated food safety and food security issues. MYTOX-SOUTH is a partnership to improve food security & food safety through mitigation of mycotoxins at global level. This well-structured multi-disciplinary partnership, which deals with all known aspects of mycotoxins and toxigenic mould issues, is able to provide the most adequate strategies and solutions for different stakeholders.

Contact details:
Prof. Sarah de Saeger: [email protected]
Dra. Marthe de Boevre: [email protected]

Operations manager:
Dr. Arnau Vidal: [email protected]

Adres: 9000 Gent
Telefoonnummer: +32 9 264 81 17
Stad: Ghent
Postcode: 9000

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Mycosafe South, Mycotoxin conference 2022
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