"At the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels you can meet the famous Bernissart Iguanodons in the largest Dinosaur Gallery in Europe, learn about the human body and how we evolved in the Gallery of Humankind and go back in time in the Gallery of Evolution. You can also find out about biodiversity and its threats in our brand new gallery Living Planet, about urban species in BiodiverCITY, discover specimens which illustrate the Museum’s history in the 250 years of Natural Sciences hall, admire the magnificent crystals in the Mineral Hall. You can experience something new every year by visiting our temporary exhibitions or by taking part in one of our Education Service’s interactive activities."
Adres: rue Vautier 29, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: 3226274233
Stad: Brussels
Route: rue Vautier 29
Postcode: 1000
op zoek naar gerelateerd: Musée des Sciences naturelles Bruxelles, musée d'histoire naturelle paris, Musée d'Histoire naturelle, Wetenschap Brussel