
Recensies, contactgegevens voor MSHManagement


Artistic Management & Production


Managing the careers of highest soloists, ensemble and orchestra but also artist painters. Since the beginning MSHManagement develops and manages new projects with professionalism and truthfulness that each artist can share his Art with integrity and passion. MSHManagement is a young team of Artist Managers energetics with innovations, new ideas and using all the new technologies as the digital media to promote our artists. They are also travelling with each artist to make sure that they get the best comfort during their tour.

Adres: avenue Auguste Rodin, 1050 Elsene
Telefoonnummer: +32498807333
Stad: Ixelles
Route: avenue Auguste Rodin
Postcode: 1050

op zoek naar gerelateerd: MSH INTERNATIONAL, Management Sciences for Health jobs, Management Sciences for Health salaries, MSH hormoon, MSH Nigeria, MSH hormone, Mds 3 managing access to medicines and health technologies, MSH leadership
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Recensies, routebeschrijvingen en contactgegevens voor MSHManagement.

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openingstijden, locatie, vervoer. avenue Auguste Rodin ıxelles voorstellingen- en evenementenlocatie kaart stadsplattegrond, satellietweergave. MSHManagement adres, telefoonnummer, straatzicht, postcode, hoe u zich verplaatst. Op deze pagina vindt u bedrijven die vergelijkbaar zijn met MSHManagement. Op deze website kunt u uw opmerkingen en ervaringen over MSHManagement delen met andere mensen.

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