
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Modor Music

Modor Music


Modor Music is a company building polyphonic digital hardware synthesizers, such as the NF-1 & the NF-1m


Modor Music is a synthesizer company, conceptors of the Modor NF-1 and it's little version NF-1m.
We are synth enthusiasts building synthesizer hardware. We use digital DSP techniques exploring the world of digital sound creation. Here at Modor, we like to experiment and we try to build original new sounds. To be used in all kinds of electronic music!

"Modor Music builds digital hardware synthesizers since 2015.Modor gear sounds quite peculiar, because of its unusual synthesis techniques. We believe there's more sonic terrain to be discovered beyond what already exists, especially in digital synthesis.Modor gear is very hands-on. We want you to make music with your hands and ears, forgetting about menus and screens.Modor's main products are the Modor NF-1 synthesizer and the Modor DR-2 drum machine"
Adres: Godtsstraat 26, Borgerhout, Antwerpen, Belgium
Stad: Borgerhout
Route: Godtsstraat 26

op zoek naar gerelateerd: modor nf-1m, modor nf 1 mk2
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