
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Models Office

Models Office


Models Office was founded in 1970 by Pierre and Marielou Eggermont. Right up until this day they are representing numerous internationally asked models.


Founder and representative Pierre Eggermont :

"I am always looking for stars! True stars and nothing else!
In New York, Wilhelmina taught me everything there is to know about the business. At that time, she was the owner of the largest agency in the world, "Wilhelmina Models". "It’s not because you like beautiful girls, that it automatically makes you an agent of models!”, she said!

I then returned and re-raised the agency with only two girls! And from that moment on I’ve never stopped looking for new superstars and sending them out to every corner of the world: every year I see thousands of girls!

From our offices in Gent and Brussels (from this office my wife Marielou and her team take care of the worldwide bookings of our girls) and together with the most important agents in the world, we are building each day on the career of our models.

To us, the girls are always put in first place: we take care of proper guidance and training for them. To truly make it in this business, you need to have, besides natural beauty, a decent commonsense and a strong character.

A girl who’s found her way in the world of the topmodels, can easily become a millionaire. The faces we’ve launched, have already sold for billions worth of clothes, cosmetics, cars, jeans, perfume, jewellery, swimming pools and beachwear.”

Adres: Place Georges Brugmann Plein 30, 1050 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: 003225114141
Stad: Brussels
Route: Place Georges Brugmann Plein 30
Postcode: 1050

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