
Recensies, contactgegevens voor MBR Medical Beauty Research Belgium

"MBRThe PrincipleUniformly smooth skin, groomed contours and a youthful appearance – achieving and maintaining this goal is the task of MBR skin care.Specially developed product lines and balanced treatment methods are adapted to the individual needs of the skin and offer optimal treatment, protection and lasting care for skin in any condition.Unique, essential, long-term and individual.With the unique skin care system OPEN, TREAT, CLOSE to a considerably improved skin appearance.The simple, but effective formula which revitalizes the skin."
Adres: Boulevard de Waterloo 47, 1000 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +3225141533
Stad: Brussels
Route: Boulevard de Waterloo 47
Postcode: 1000

op zoek naar gerelateerd: MBR skincare, MBR crème
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