
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Mavenly



Mavenly is your Field Sales Expert


May we indulge you with some CPM Belgium information?

CPM is famous for sales. Why? because 90% of the people working for KreasalesCPM are 100% on the field. Because that's where we make the difference!

So if...

- ...you have to launch a new product and you don't have an experienced sales team...
- ...you struggle with seasonal peaks and not enough in house sales power to cover those peaks...
- ...you have an overhead cut, yet you need to invest in temporary sales teams (on marketing/trade marketing/sales budget)...
- ...you want to focus on the product/marketing and sales is not your core business so you want to outsource your complete sales team...

... then you can rely on our (temporary/full time/dedicated/multicard) experienced and trained sales teams for selling any product (b2b, b2c) possible.

Besides that, we are experts in merchandising (short term/long term/dedicated/syndicated) and we excell in instore promotions...

No matter how big or small, we can help you sell more. We like to think a little bit deeper and more creatively about how to achieve best possible sales for our clients and we do this by using INSIGHT to create INFLUENCE and drive SALES.

CPM Belgium is part of the CPM Group with affiliates in over 25 countries. CPM Group is part of Omnicom Media Group.

If you want to know more, mail us at [email protected]

Adres: Avenue de l artisanat 2b, 1420 Eigenbrakel
Telefoonnummer: 023873383
Stad: Braine-l'Alleud
Route: Avenue de l artisanat 2b
Postcode: 1420


Maandag: 09:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 09:00 - 17:00

Reageer op deze plaats

Routebeschrijving naar Mavenly met het openbaar vervoer

Braine-L'Alleud Philippe 300 meter
Braine-L'Alleud Mont-Saint-Pont 320 meter
Braine-L'Alleud Mont-Saint-Pont 330 meter
Braine-L'Alleud Mont-Saint-Pont 340 meter
Braine-L'Alleud Philippe 370 meter

Recensies, routebeschrijvingen en contactgegevens voor Mavenly.

Braine-l\'alleud adviesbureau

openingstijden, locatie, vervoer. Avenue de l artisanat 2b kaart stadsplattegrond, satellietweergave. Mavenly adres, telefoonnummer, straatzicht, postcode, hoe u zich verplaatst. Op deze pagina vindt u bedrijven die vergelijkbaar zijn met Mavenly. Op deze website kunt u uw opmerkingen en ervaringen over Mavenly delen met andere mensen.

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