
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Mandala of Life - Yin Yoga


YIN YOGA classes and anatomy trainings in BRUSSELS. For the description of Yin yoga and Schedule please see mandalaoflife.org.


Yin yoga is a gentle and calm yet intense practice for all levels of flexibility and fitness. With basic anatomy principles in mind, it accommodates each person’s unique body type, respects our borders and develops patience with oneself. With primary focus on stretching thighs, hips and back, Yin yoga may help to re-establish a healthy joint movement and alleviate fascia-related pain. Long held stretches stimulate energy channels (meridians), relax the nervous system and, over time, serve to prepare both body and mind for meditation. Yin yoga -- for your body and soul.
For more information, please write to mandalaoflife@gmail.com.

"Functional anatomy and Yin yoga TTWe believe that each person is unique, and so should be your yoga. We also believe that practising poses becomes more satisfying if we understand them. Therefore, we would like to give you keys to the anatomical and energetic principles behind Hatha/Yin yoga poses, so that you are able to practice in a way that suits You best.Functional anatomy for yoga the Grilley's method has far-reaching consequences. Therefore, we offer an extended 100h course spread over several months so that we can take the time to clarify and assimilate these concepts.You would be able to APPLY ABOUT 80% of what we will learn TO ANY HATHA/VINYASA YOGA STYLE."
Adres: Rue Général Leman 32,, 1040 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Stad: Brussels
Route: Rue Général Leman 32,
Postcode: 1040

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