
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Malaysian Palm Oil Council - MPOC Europe

Malaysian Palm Oil Council - MPOC Europe


Promotes market expansion of Malaysian palm oil through image enhancement & creating awareness of techno-economic advantages & environmental sustainability

"To promote the market expansion of Malaysian palm oil and its products by enhancing the image of palm oil and creating better acceptance of palm oil through awareness of various technological and economic advantages techno-economic advantages and environmental sustainability."
Adres: 31, Avenue Emile Vandervelde, 1200 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: +322 7748860
Stad: Brussels
Route: 31, Avenue Emile Vandervelde
Postcode: 1200

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Malaysian Palm Oil Board, MPOC members, Direktori mpoc, MPOC chairman, Palm oil industry in Malaysia, Introduction of oil palm in Malaysia, Types of palm oil in Malaysia, MPOC logo
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