
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Limostyle.be



Service de location de voiture avec chauffeur. Service sur mesure pour vos déplacements privés et professionnels en Belgique et à l'étranger.


LIMOSTYLE provides you a high-quality transportation service with professional chauffeurs for all your travelling in Brussels, Belgium and abroad.
Our services are destined to persons and commercial entities that require a flawless service for their travelling.
Regardless of the duration of the service contract, we commit to satisfying your every requirements.
The services we provide are destined to meet the expectations of a diversified and demanding clientele.

Here are some examples of 'Limousine Services' that are proposed: national and international transfers, transfers / pickups in stations and airports, transfers to hotels, transfers of important mails, shuttle companies, services to embassies, business tours, VIP services, sightseeing tours, ceremonies and events, hiring drivers, ...

Why choose us ?

High-end luxury service: Experienced multilingual chauffeurs & High Class Vehicles in perfect condition.

Punctuality: Your driver handles the unexpected. Always on time !!

Confidentiality: Protecting your secrets and your investments is our priority.

Discretion: Your driver is at absolute discretion under all circumstances.

Friendliness: Your driver is friendly and courteous. He demonstrates a strong work ethic.

B2B: Your driver is flexible and will adapt to your every requirement.

Security: Professional insurance and clean driving.

No surprises in the price: All rates are calculated "per hour" or by "forfeit".

Availability: Available 24/24 and 7/7 reservation.

Adres: Herenveldstraat 14, 1500 Halle
Telefoonnummer: 0032485650695
Stad: Halle
Route: Herenveldstraat 14
Postcode: 1500

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