
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Lena Jewellery


We specialise in creating custom made gold and diamond jewellery along with ready to wear fine jewel pieces.

Adres: Schupstraat 20, 2018 Antwerpen
Telefoonnummer: 0032485002207
Stad: Antwerp
Route: Schupstraat 20
Postcode: 2018

Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Mabrodiam International Mabrodiam International 24 meter Wij kopen en verkopen diamanten.
Bjuwel Bjuwel 24 meter
Flawless Diamonds Flawless Diamonds 41 meter Vertaald door Google Beste kwaliteit en prachtige ontwerpen raad ik aan Origineel...
Smolensk Diamonds Smolensk Diamonds 41 meter This page is about Smolensk diamonds company, its workers and a wonderful environment
Europe Diamond Buyers Europe Diamond Buyers 43 meter Europe Diamond Buyers is buying your Diamond Jewelry for the the Guranteed Highest pr...
Craft Diamonds Craft Diamonds 47 meter Craft Diamonds is a diamond manufacturing company where we try to make the most perfe...
Anita Diamonds NV Anita Diamonds NV 61 meter The company believes in providing the highest standards of service to the customers. ...
Eliking Diamonds bvba Eliking Diamonds bvba 66 meter Eliking Diamonds b.v.b.a. is a diamond polisher/importer/exporter. We have 5 markets ...
Beldiamond Beldiamond 67 meter Dankzij de geweldige uitleg en service heb ik bij Beldiamond de perfecte verlovingsri...
Y-tailored Y-tailored 69 meter Y-Tailored puts the “T” in Tailor made. Combining gorgeous esthetics and emotional sy...
Sevva Diamonds Sevva Diamonds 73 meter Sevva Bvba is a family business with a long history in diamond polishing and trading....
Original Diamonds Bvba Original Diamonds Bvba 84 meter Info@originaldiamonds.be
Preciousmoments.be Preciousmoments.be 84 meter We bring to you a licensed collection of on trend Disney jewellery. Evoking nostalgi...
Nsouli Antwerp Nsouli Antwerp 84 meter Nsouli is a design-driven luxury jewellery brand based in Antwerp. We offer prestigi...
Swetgems Swetgems 84 meter
Tanache UK - Jewellery Brand Tanache UK - Jewellery Brand 84 meter Tanache offers unique online jewellery shopping experience for the United Kingdom. Je...
Al-Amir Diamond Jewellery International Al-Amir Diamond Jewellery International 85 meter ★POLISHED DIAMONDS & GEMSTONES GRADER★ ★POLISHED & ROUGH DIAMONDS SORTER★
J. Katz Vintage Jewels J. Katz Vintage Jewels 87 meter Vertaald door Google J.Katz is naar mijn mening de beste juwelier van Antwerpen met e...
Vertaald door Google Moet nieuw ontwerp en geweldige service gaan. Het beste van deze plek is dat elk stuk handgemaakt is en dat ze een 24-karaats specialist hebben die meer dan 20 jaar ervaring heeft met 24-karaats goud. Origineel Must go new design and great service. The best thing about this place is every single piece is handmade and they have experience 24 carat specialist who have more than 20 year experience on 24 carat gold .
Vertaald door Google Uitstekende klantenservice en uitstekende communicatie Origineel Excellent client service and excellent communication
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