
Recensies, contactgegevens voor LDA Belgium

LDA Belgium


LDA is specialized in distribution of shock absorption, vibration isolation, pneumatic and fluid components, for which we also can offer total solutions.


LDA Belgium, an independent Belgian Company, distributes for over 50 years high quality components for industrial automation in Belgium and Luxemburg.

During those 50 years, we have built an important customer network, together with our principal suppliers. We guarantee good service and quality. Our skills and experience are the building blocks of our current and future success. LDA is specialized in shock absorption and vibration isolation, pneumatic and fluid components, for which we also can offer total solutions. Thanks to more than 4 decades of experience and the direct support of our manufacturers, LDA is able to offer you optimal technical and economically efficient solutions, combined with a flawless logistic and administrative service.

LDA stands for durable relations. We team up with our customers, our suppliers and not at least our employees. In our company you will find highly motivated and trusted faces working as a team to guarantee your success. We think in solutions and use products developed specifically for your application with a high quality, long lifetime and minimal energy consumption.


Adres: Hoge Buizen 53, 1980 Eppegem
Telefoonnummer: +32(0)2-266 13 13
Stad: Eppegem
Route: Hoge Buizen 53
Postcode: 1980


Maandag: 08:30 - 12:20

op zoek naar gerelateerd: LDA extranet, Linear Discriminant Analysis, LDA Coop
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