
Recensies, contactgegevens voor La Sonanta

La Sonanta


Need an authentic Flamenco Guitar? Looking for Flamenco Shoes? Want to learn Flamenco from famous artists? Need a versatile Cajon: www.laSonanta.com


ARTISTIC MASTERY (on LaSonantaClasses.com)

"La Sonanta believes that creative musical expression must remain in today's machine-made music industry." Publishing flamenco classes of 'the famous' will sustain as the backbone of our mission.


"La Sonanta believes that the ingenuity, morale boost and stimulus from 'the art of making’ must remain in today’s economics of mass production".
Offering made-by-hand flamenco originals will sustain as the backbone of our mission.

Adres: Beukenhofstraat 11, 3960 Bree
Stad: Bree
Route: Beukenhofstraat 11
Postcode: 3960

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