
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Komplot





Founded in 2002 by Sonia Dermience and joined later by Véronique Depiesse and Amaryllis Jacobs, Komplot is a collective of curators that has included, over the years, Eva Bialek, Alberto García del Castillo, Agata Jastrzabek, Heidi Ballet, Estelle Lecaille, Emmanuel Lambion, Fabien Defendini, Constance Barrère. Its current associate curators are Sofie Van Loo, Stefaan Willems, Benjamin Jaubert and Oliver Martinez Kandt. Taking a nomadic approach, Komplot has initiated such projects as Midi Zuid (on gentrification and speculation), Vollevox (on the role of the voice in contemporary art), and Architecture de Survie (on ephemeral architecture), all of which have explored new ways of looking at our relationships with objects, spaces, artists, and audiences.

Based in a building near Wiels, Komplot conceives exhibitions, films, books, and between 2011 and 2013 the annual magazine Year with David Evrard, Pierre Huyghebaerts and Uberknackig. It also offers studios for artists, whose work can also be seen in its exhibitions. The list of artists who have collaborated or who will be collaborating with Komplot in the future is long and includes Jakup Auce, Fabienne Audéoud, Kasper Bosmans, Aline Bouvy, Claire Fontaine, Ilja Karilampi, Adriana Lara, Marthe Ramm Fortun, Carl Palm, Sarah & Charles, Benjamin Valenza, Philippe Van Wolputte... In addition to a number of publications and exhibitions still to be confirmed for 2015, this laboratory also welcomes recurring events, hosting the ARTISTS PRINT art book fair, organized with JAP (Jeunesse & Arts Plastiques).

"ounded in 2002 in Brussels, Komplot is a curatorial collective of variable composition and condition. Concerned with nomadic creative practices and trends of specialisation, it operates as a platform for experimental art. Now Komplot re-initiated a nomadic practice in Brussels, fragmenting its large venue into several addresses and beyond the city responding to invitations abroad. Meanwhile Komplot moves the focus from a collective structure to a form of organisation as a curator office, to expend more and more its agenda to interdisciplinary art practice that continuously searches for new formats and discourses. The group of resident curators of Komplot, with guest curators, develops a critical program."
Adres: 13 Square Albert 1er, 1070 Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Telefoonnummer: 0032 478 053 375
Stad: Brussels
Route: 13 Square Albert 1er
Postcode: 1070

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